Sustainable Innovation

18.11.09 at 4:00 PM
It was a pleasure meeting Nathan Shedroff! He seems like such a nice and artistic guy. He is the author of the upcoming book called "Design is the Problem." He talked more about Design Innovation and Sustainability.


Making Meaning: It is the anchor-point to experience and how to create meaningful experiences. Services encapsulate sustainability. The initial question with this begins with "What is more sustainable world look like?" This question is asked by those who are beginning to draw meaning from anything that has to do with sustainability. I also connected it with the design world. Why? Because designers have started to go along with the 'Green Movement." This new movement that has taken off during these past 5 years. Within the last year, going GREEN has been the new IT thing. Its saving energy, getting rid of pollution, saving the animals, and creating objects that are non toxic. It also follows the three R's that YOU were taught in elementary school. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

"In a stable economy, sustainability is the competitive advantage strategy. In a down economy, sustainability is the turnaround strategy. In a collapse, sustainability is a survival strategy." -Hunter Lovins, 2009

Nathan also talked about the difference between countries in their sustainability. India, for example is the least consumerist of the world. On the other hand, Brazil is the most innovative and more sustainable.
One of my favorite things that Nathan said during his presentation is "Designers create visions for other people to follow." I take this quote along with me from the lecture that he gave, expecting to find other people who admire design as much as I do.

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